Learn to Mix From the Best Rock & Metal Producers
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Six Bonus Sessions
Nail The Mix sessions from these world-class artists & producers
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Our exclusive plugins (Windows and Mac, works with all DAWs)
Mix Lab: Over 75 mixing tutorials that will turbocharge your skills
Monthly Mix Contest
"Nail The Mix isn't only the de facto compendium for modern mixing, it's also full of personality. It feels like you're just hanging out with the best producers, engineers, and musicians in the world."
Dean Lamb (Archspire)
And More!
Riffhard, guitar lessons for modern metal
Pro quality practice tracks cleared for your portfolio
Livestreamed Q&As and other events
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Oh yeah-- and you’ll ALSO get this:
Recording For Beginners course with Buster Odeholm, just in case you need to brush up on the basics.
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